Rodent Pest Control

Rodents are the most common pest that you found in your home and gardens. These tiny monsters gnaw your goods like wires & papers and left germs around you. Its’ been reported that rats cause billion-dollar damage every year. Also, in recent decades, 7 cases of plague are observed every year. So, it’s clear, they just not harm your property but your health too. To avoid such condition rodent pest control is a needful step you should take.

Types Of Rodents

Rats are several medium-sized, long-tailed rodents. Species of rodents are found during the procedure Rodentia. Rats have 4 legs and the maximum size is 32 to 46 cm. Here we have defined types of rodents according to their physical appearance. So let’s have a look at the list below.

Norway Rat

Norway Rat pest control


Color- Black or brown

Size- Ranging anywhere from 15 to 20 inches total, including the tail, short ears.

Disease- Leptospirosis

Location- Northeast U.S

Roof Rat

Palm Rat pest control


Color- It has smooth furs in Black, medium or light brown. 

Size- About 5 to 7 inches long

Disease- Typhus, Toxoplasmosis

Location- Coastal areas and tropical climates.


Woodrat pest control


Color- Typically grayish brown

Size- Their size varies depending on their location

Disease- Arenavirus, Hantavirus, Typhoid

Location- Western North America, Desert of Arizona and New Mexico.

Marsh Rice Rat

Marsh Rice Rat control


Color- Usually gray to grayish brown

Size- Medium Sized, total length up to 12 inches

Disease- Bayou virus (agent of Hantavirus)

Location- Florida, Eastern U.S, Texas.

Bush Rat

Bush Rat pest control


Color- Charcoal gray to black or light brown above

Size- 16 Cm length

Disease- Salmonella, Leptospirosis

Location- Australian

Malayan Field Rat

Malayan Field Rat pest control


Color- Grizzled olive-brown

Size- 19 Cm length

Disease- Leptospirosis

Location- Malaysia, Thailand

Polynesian Rat

Polynesian Rat pest control


Color- Black and brown

Size- 12 Cm length

Disease- Murine typhus, Mongooses

Location- Southeast Asia

Long Haired Rat

Long Haired Rat pest control


Color- Light grey with the black guard hairs. 

Size- 19 cm length

Disease- It does not carry disease. 

Location- Desert and hummock grasslands regions

Palm Rat


Color- From black to dark gray

Size- 12 to 14 in length

Disease- Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus 

Location- Nicobar islands

Rat Removal Treatment

Many types of pesticide treatments are available for controlling Rodents. Rat removal treatment most is use as baits, traps or while some are formulated as a good liquid poison. Pesticides treatment requires the removal of food and pots from treated regions. Before use always read and obey the instructions. 

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    Rodenticides are usually associated with rats and mice baits.  These rat baits are pesticides that kill rodents rats.  There are many kinds of rat baits in the shop. Only one feed rodent baits only require one dosage for a lethal dosage as exposed to many feed bait that needs various feedings to reach a toxic level.  Baits pesticides formula will achieve results comparable to expert extermination. This includes a slow-acting poison combined with a food attractant.

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    Glue Traps

    A rat glue trap is a flat part of cardboard or a simple plastic tray that is covered in a specially created adhesive that can be set flush against floors and walls where rat go. When rats go over the glue trap, they grow stuck and will finally die. Few traps come pre-scented to help lure the rodents to step above the trap. In most situations, easily setting the trap flush against the wall in areas where rats have been alive.

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    Rat traps can be one of the most beneficial ways of rat removal treatment. But there are some key things to see before you think placing traps or rat bait in your house. Rat bait is utilized in traps to attract rats. Sometimes, non-toxic items like peanut butter or meat are used, but rat poison can also be combined. Caution should be utilized when figuring poisonous bait to a rat trap.

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    Live Catch Traps

    Live catch rat traps also known as humane traps look like small net cages. One side is a door that you prop open. One time the rat moves into the trap, they will stand on a pedal to eat the bait that has been placed inside. One time the pedal has been tripped the door will close closed and the rat will be humanely trapped. You can bait the trap with the same kinds of bait used in snap traps. Live catch traps are a great idea to remove rats from your house without hurting the rodent.

Rat Control Services

Our services for rodents according to operating area are defined in two categories one is indoor and outdoor rat control services. And these two categories include two processes one is organic or natural pest control and the second is chemical pest control. 

The indoor area provides a closet the method we use for rat removal will be different. In indoor pest control processes, the area we cover is-

  • Roof
  • Kitchen
  • Wall
  • Office place

The product we are using in Indoor rat removal is- 

Glue Traps- A rat glue trap is a flat part of cardboard that can be placed flush against floors and walls where rodents move. When rats travel above the glue trap, they shift “stuck” and will eventually expire. 

Baits- Baits products are utilized for trap and figure out where the rats coming from.  

Live Catch Traps- One side is a door that you prop open. Once the rat moves inside the trap, they will reach on a pedal to eat the bait that has been placed under. One time the pedal has been tripped the door will push closed and the rat will be trapped.

Why We Need Rat Pest Control Services

Rats cause a lot of harm. As the teeth of rats continue to grow above their life, they require to bite on hard substances such as lead and plastic pipes, insulation material and electric wiring. This habit increases the risk of short circuits and sparks. In addition to this, they transmit a number of deadly diseases such as Salmonella, Leptospirosis (Weil’s disease), Tuberculosis and even tapeworms. Rats cause a lot of infectionsOne single rat equals more than 25000 droppings per year, which include allergens that can cause acute allergic reactions. That’s why we need a rat pest control service. To succeed in the issue rat pest control treatment is a solution.
